Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting on top of things during the hols

Holidays mean different things to different people. For me, the last couple of days has meant not only resting and getting over all the food from Christmas day, but also getting the house in order. Especially what I have achieved, is clearing out or archiving emails. I still have heaps of other emails to do, but the main inboxes have been tackled.

I have also been doing a load of home cooking. Any of you that are viewers of my Facebook profile may have seen food photos galore over the past 4 days.

Even though the show has officially finished about 4 weeks back, "The Cook & The Chef" shows on ABC1, AEST, 1:33pm today if you want something to do in grey old Sydney.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Power Bills

Good Evening. Just had a frightening FB message from a friend that received a AUD$1113.00 Power Bill.

Power Bills are a big issue at the moment. I have been listening to a few of the talkback shows. You are not alone. If you can afford solar, then go for it!! (there are reasonable finance options even).

Finally after 5 years of nagging, I just turned 3 x Hot water cylinders down from 70degs to 65 degs. That will also make a huge difference.

Monday, October 19, 2009

every month

in every year, we accumulate more and more data. It takes forever to shift.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

new computer

About to build a new PC. Have gone out and bought an Antec 300 case this morning. Motherboard is the new Gigabyte S-series GA-M720-US3. More photos and commentary to come.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Australia Wins UCI Road World Cycle Championship

Just watched this on repeated on One TV (Digital). Cadel Evans. 1st. September 27th, The Podium scenes were unrivaled. A good piece of sporting television.

Monday, September 7, 2009

First Post

I have had to close down my other blog, because it was not what the customer wanted. This blog is likely to be about anything. A restaurant or experience I have had, or comething about my hobbies, bad drivers on the road. Stay Tuned.