Monday, December 27, 2010

MSN Spaces

This week I migrated my MSN Spaces Blog to WordPress.  Still trying to work it out.  WordPress Blog

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Age does Not

I am 45,  but still feel like 30.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Licensing fees

NSW, RTA Driver License Fee?  Have a look at the back panel of your driver license.  It shows the license fee in the top right corner.

Went to the RTA yesterday to renew and was surprised,  that the license fee of $22.00, (5 year ago) had now increased to AUD$113.00 for a 3 year period!

Certainly far higher than inflation. A quick calculation puts my 3 year license period choice at a whopping 880% increase.  Ouch!

Licensing fees

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yike Bike

Amazing new product from Christchurch, New Zealand

Monday, February 1, 2010

blog update, 1st Feb

what a day I have had,  been driving all over sydney for appointments and work.  Project kick off meeting,  then out west to Penrith to another appt.  Did some paper work and got a big invoice out for another it PROJECT.  (Whoops,  caps lock).

I have a few videos on you tube that I personally made,  using a cannon camera,  in the region of 80,000 views over the last 3 years.  Quite chuffed really.  Anyway,  a supplier now wants the videos to use,  so I will have to drag out the original videos and send them over.  Should only take about an hour,  but I aint going to get around to it tonight,  thats for sure.

Weather,  bit cooler tonight.  was 30 odd degrees cent out west today.
Anyway,  try and make another post tomorrow and keep up the posting.  Ciao

Friday, January 15, 2010

wa wa wa

yes, I am going to post again soon. stand by. Thanks for your support.