Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Internet Speed NY14

Internet speed is abs' crap tonight.  Anyone else finding this?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Prince Alfred Park Pool

Saturday afternoon (yesterday).  I had seen this newly reopened pool on the local Channel Nine TV news about a week back.  Loved it as a spot about ten years back.  Not sure if I can be writing this,  but  "Thanks Clover".
Really nice,  there's a great café onsite too.  We'll be back.

Oh,  and I seemed to see a notice there that it's Free Entry for casual visitors until November!  Check it out!! Pool Website

Tandaco Dry Yeast Packets from Woolworths - Pizza

Every couple of weeks we make Pizza at home on a Saturday.  We had mixed  results in making enough dough to cover a basic square tray for our domestic home static oven.  Usually we just use one of these packets, some warm tepid water and milk,  some oil, and 1-2t sugar, flour, pinch salt.

This time we used 2 packets (after watching Fast Ed's tips a couple of weeks back)  and the results were much better.  The dough proved better,  and the end result was great.  Really happy!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Horsemeat EU

Whats in our food?  Would I be upset if there was horse meat in my Lasagna.  Probably not.  It's just another animal.  Psychologically,  it would budge me for minute, but it would not be the end of the world.