Sunday, August 18, 2013

Prince Alfred Park Pool

Saturday afternoon (yesterday).  I had seen this newly reopened pool on the local Channel Nine TV news about a week back.  Loved it as a spot about ten years back.  Not sure if I can be writing this,  but  "Thanks Clover".
Really nice,  there's a great café onsite too.  We'll be back.

Oh,  and I seemed to see a notice there that it's Free Entry for casual visitors until November!  Check it out!! Pool Website

Tandaco Dry Yeast Packets from Woolworths - Pizza

Every couple of weeks we make Pizza at home on a Saturday.  We had mixed  results in making enough dough to cover a basic square tray for our domestic home static oven.  Usually we just use one of these packets, some warm tepid water and milk,  some oil, and 1-2t sugar, flour, pinch salt.

This time we used 2 packets (after watching Fast Ed's tips a couple of weeks back)  and the results were much better.  The dough proved better,  and the end result was great.  Really happy!